Wednesday, September 16, 2009


So I was watching television the other night and was flipping channels when i came accross a title on the Discovery Channel, "freebirthing" I stopped and got interested in the show.
Apparenly free birthing and unassisted child birth is on the rise in the UK. It shows that many women are choosing not to go into a hospital in the UK because they have felt pressured to do so under their wonderful health care plan.

As I am watching this program it states " If a woman chooses to have an unassisted birth in her home her husband or partner can go to prision for just being there" I was totally shocked and dismayed by what I had just heard...... If you don't want to go to the hospital for birth and you don't want a midwife present under the UK laws your partner or friend or husband even if anyone is in the house with you can go to jail and be prosecuted.

This is really scary....Is this what we have to look forward to???
If you look at the link check out section on "" Birth Without Midwives "" This gives you all the information..... Just something to think about.......

1 comment:

Laura Shanley said...

This was a misunderstanding on the part of the producers. It's illegal in the UK to pretend you're a midwife when you're not, but it isn't illegal to be with someone (a friend or partner) when they're having an unassisted birth. I know many women that have had unassisted births in the UK and none of their husbands have gone to jail. Unfortunately, a couple is sometimes hassled by social services after an unassisted birth, but in every case that I know of (other than one in the 1980's), nothing has ever come of it.